Monday 29 June 2009

Updates on last saturday's outing. (: Just let the pictures do the talking okay. ;p


All 21 years and above! ;p

I love these two ladies! :D



Padi Wilson!!! Hehe.

Fuzzy! (:

Fian-the-band-leader. HAHA!


Noreen! (: We look alike don't we? ;p

Thanks for all the comforting words, dear friends. I appreciate them all. Band/orchestral music still keeps me calm. I don't want to say that I regret quitting concert band. But i'm open up to other kinds. Hehe. :D
Also a shout out to Farah, thanks alot too! You're not forgotten okay. Hehe. I was supposed to have dinner with the BRASS (Biomedical Research And Support Services) people. But, heh something didn't allow me to. So Farah sacrificed and accompanied me. Thank you girlfriend! Next time if we ever come across a large group of guys who stares at us, I promise not to run away and leave you alone again okie? Kekeke.
Fazlin. (:

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