Wednesday 1 July 2009

Hey! Gosh I feel tired today. Yep i've got no school but I went out today to bugis with Sally, then met another friend of hers - Shira. Is that how it's spelled? Heh. A simple day but had fun. :)


I was invited by Nashir again to his gig. Any of ya'll was invited by him too? I'm sure he invited some of you guys as well right? So anybody wanna go? It's this saturday. Please, I really want to go. Hehe. I already missed the previous one. So, this time, I really want to attend the gig. It's free anyway. Like I said, it's been a while since I attend any gig.

Nashir's band, Deputy Siren will be performing at 6pm by the way. And, i've got another friend, Zan a.k.a ZanZenZon, also performing with his band - Duxton Plains. So, contact me if anyone interested in going okay! :D


On another note, if you guys have been following my updates, i'm sure you guys will remember the guy I called by the name "idiot"? Hahaha. Well, he's a bugger lor.

I already put a note at my myspace page. Ya I know, kinda fierce. Hehe. ;p But, I wouldn't want to entertain those kind of people lah. Waste my time. Right? ;p

HAHAHA. Kinda funny if I think about it. Kekeke. Taaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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