Tuesday 6 January 2009

I wanted to update about last friday's outing to the Marina Barrage and some other places with my lovely bandmates. BUT. Okay i'll get straight to the point. After hearing about Padi's lappy problem and was being sent for repair......now, it's my turn.

Omg. I can't take it. Especially when school has already started and I need to use it everyday! It's so difficult for me. I'm now on safe mode by the way. Hehe. But oh well, i've done my homework at least. Tomorrow, some people from HP are gonna come down to my house and do something about it. All thanks to my dad for sending the lappy for me for servicing. So that means.... i went to school without a lappy! In RP without a lappy is really not a good thing. Go and ask other RP students if you think i'm kidding. Hahah!

But i'm glad school went well today. Took my UT(Understanding test) on a piece of paper -_-
It wasn't that bad taking test on a piece of paper. Brings back memories actually. ;p So now i'm left with 11 days till another long school holidays! Lol. I'm not uploading any pictures for now. Don't want this thing to get jammed up again. ;p

Taa! :]

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