Friday 9 January 2009

My notebook is officially OK for now. I'm glad that it only took 2 days for me. 2 days is enough to kill me already you see. This whole thing happened last sunday while my older brother was on msn i think. Suddenly this thing got jammed up and you-know-what's-next. Very "lucky" for me that school opened on the following day. Hmm.

Then on monday, it was sucky for me to be having science lesson while my notebook keep on hanging and it's so hard for me to focus. So i sent it to IT helpdesk - who was supposed to handle this problem and solve it. If they are unable to solve it, they could at least tell me what went wrong right? But that did not happen. -_-

The next day, i went to school without a notebook on a maths lesson! I had a hard time really. But i'm glad my team mates were so nice to let me share their laptops for me to refer. But the whole day went well, surprisingly.

So on wednesday, i didn't attend school cause i need to be at home while the HP people help with my notebook. My dad even didn't go to work... hahaha. That's nice of him. The guy told me that my hard disk crashed. Omg. All this while i thought it was due to virus attack or something. But i was wrong huh.

And so i changed my hard disk and everything was gone (songs, pictures, etc.) cause i didn't have anything to back it up. Something like external hard disk or is it called portable hard disk? What ever it is, i lost everything on my notebook. Haha! It's okay. Most of my pictures i've uploaded to my multiply webbie.

Here i am alone in the school's library waiting for hmm 6pm maybe? Then i'll be off to Orchard to meet dearest Farah Nadiah, Nur'Aishah & Sharifah Nur Hazirah. Woah! Right. Heheh. They are my dearest friends from ITE-BCT! I miss them so much and i really can't wait to meet them later! Lol.

So that's it i guess. I think it's long enough haha! Later~ ;p

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