Tuesday 15 July 2008

Hey! I'm here to update. Haha.

Anw, i went back home halfway just now after culture UT. Why? I need to REST. I've not been getting enough sleep and rest since god knows when. Plus last week was so hectic. So that explains. I got my 5 hours of sleep btw. Hehe.

Anyway, about the 2nd National Band Competition which was held in VCH, i'm proud to say that ITE Concert Band got a SILVER in [[OPEN DIVISION!!!]]. A HIGH SILVER by the way.The percentage we got was 79.17%. We were just o.83% away from getting a gold which was 80.0%. Since this is the first time ITE Concert Band actually went for competition, i'm very proud of you all(i'm included! LOL). See.....We can be humble BUT don't always look down on ourselves too much! We MADE IT! We got what we wanted and aimed for in the first place. Me and Noreen cried after hearing the results. LOL. Tears of joy! We all jumped in excitement. Hehe. I'm sure every single one of us will not forget those moments!

Let's do the same for our end of year concert and make it a blast! Love ya'll! :)

*will update with pics when received. Updated!:) Only from Joanna's cam though. Heh.

At VCH. Before the competition.

Me & Noreen. :)


Joanna & Me!

Sheena & Me!

With Mr Eric Watson and instruments. :)

That's it! Taaaaaaaa! :D

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