Saturday 26 July 2008


1. Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket? Japan/Switzerland/Paris :)

2. What's your favourite thing to do?
Eat! Can't believe it right? Hehe. Also, anything associated with music. I.e. Eupho!

3. Do you think money can buy happiness?
It depends on situation.

4. If you were given a chance to receive something, what would it be?
Something that can make me go...."Awwwww!!! That's so sweet!" Hehe.

5. Things you can't live without:
My hp, music, music, music and.....hmm have to think of it.

6. What are you afraid to lose?
My love ones. They're my everything.

7. If you win 1 million, what would you do?
If i win then i'll say ok? Hahaha.

8. What do you dream of doing in the future?
Alot actually.

9. List down 3 good points of the person who gave this survey:
Funny, cute and easy-going.

10. What makes me happy?
Laughter is the best medicine. :)

11. What type of person do you hate most?
I don't hate people. At most, i'll dislike them. Namely, people who are not faithful for example.

12. If you could have a superpower what would it be? A curer. To heal people just by a snap! Hehe.

13. Would you go for happiness or money? Aiyo. Both lah. Can? Heh. Coz in S'pore we're in need of money uh. Haha.

14. Who do you think is the most important thing in your life? The ones close to my heart.

15. If you have a boyfriend, would you die for him? hmm~

16. Who was the last person who hugged you?

17. What is the one thing you want badly now?
To graduate and get a job!

18. Whom are you close to?
My family members, especially my mum. My closest friends, you know who you are. :)

19. Are you courageous enough to tell the person that you like him/her?
Never confessed to any guy before. lol.

20. If you could do one thing all over again, what would it be?
Of course to undo all the mistakes i've done. But it's impossible right? So, i'll learn from them and make sure i'll not repeat them.

7 things that scares you:
One: Allah.
- To lose my love ones
- Death
The rest can ask me hor! Hehe.

7 things that you like most:
In no particular order....
- Sunflower (It'll brighten up my day!)
- Euphonium! (Just love playing it!)
- My laptop! (Mentang2 dah ader! Action eh! hehe ;p)
- Vanilla! (It beats chocolate for my case!)
- Pretty dresses...woah addicted to them...hehe
The rest ask me lah okie? Hehe.

7 important things in my room:
- My bantal busuk! ;p (I don't care how old i am ok!)
- My bantal pelok!
- The Fan
- Closet
- Table to put my belongings
- Mirror
hmm what else eh...? Ask me! Hehe.

7 random facts bout me:
- I love to sing, seriously.
- I hate crowds.
- I don't like using vulgarities (explains why i don't use them!)
- I love to day dream.
- I listen to nasyid.
- When i'm in pain(physically), i will not care about what's happening in my surroundings.
- I don't like it when people judge me about what i do and assume that i'm like what's on their mind.
Very random huh? Hehe.

7 things that I plan to do before I die:
- Make sure i sempat taubat first!
The rest ask me lah...okie? Hehe.

7 things I can do:
- Play an instrument.
- Drawing and painting (Though it's been a while since i did these!)
- I can sing! Really! Just too shy to do so! Hahaha. ;p
- I can make people laugh! Depends on who i'm with that is. Heh.
- A very good listener. Can count on me! :)
The rest ask me!

7 things that I can't do:
- I can't dance!
- I can't eat with chopsticks! Same with you lah Hudz! Hehe.
- Scold vulgarities! Difficult for me!
Hmm that's all i can think of! Ask me lah okie? Hehe.

7 things you are attracted to in the opposite sex:
Ohhh more than 7 things! In no particular order....
- Sense of humour
- Sincerity :)
- Faithfulness!!!
- Loving
- Understanding :))
- Respect the elderly! 
- The one with basic religion.
- Confidence!
- The one who thinks ahead! Ada wawasan beb!
- Eyes

7 things that I often say:
- Ya Allah!
- Really?
- Suker hati ah..
- Ape seh!
- Walao!
- Anything...
- Woooooiiii! (In a deep voice!) Hehe.

7 people to do this survey:
- Padi
- Firli
- Fazilah
(If you guys are willing to do uh. If don't want, it's okie!) :D
And to those who are willing to do this. :))

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