Tuesday 8 July 2008

To my ITE peeps who make it for today's outing, i apologise for not being able to join you guys. I really want to but i really need alot of rest this week. Kind of salah timing uh. Haha. Also to Natasha Alya, sorry i've not been able to go out with ya!

There are 2 tests this week and my weekends will be tight due to the upcoming NBC(National Band Competition) that ITE Concert Band will be participating in this Sunday. Band practice on Friday night. I'll have to rush after school to be able to make it on time (6pm!). I hope i can reach on time! The following day, again another band prac in the morning as usual 9.15am till 1pm. Then, THE DAY.

The competition will be this sunday at around 3 plus...(ain't so sure) for ITE CB at VCH. Gotta report at 10am this sunday ya! Don't be late Fazlin!

Oh my, this is so exciting and nerve-wracking! Good luck people! Just do our best ya ;)

Oh ya, i'll be free on the 13 Aug onwards for three weeks(ho-li-day!). So, hope to hang out with you peeps some time again ya!

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