Wednesday 19 March 2008

I think i'm so addicted to Loco Roco! :)))))))))))))))))))
Thankie you very very much SUE for letting me play your psp. It's the cutest game i ever played. LOL.
Okay, i met Sue just now. Went to collect the name card for Natasha's Henna business at Peace Center, Douby Ghaut. Then met Natasha after that. Went eating at S11! It's been so long! Missed that foodcourt so much. Brings back sweet memories of Pasirians! Then, we began chit-chatting about those memories back in secondary school days. Aww....! Must reunite with the gang...ehem!...i mean the rest and visit the band! Hehe. Miss all the crapness and lameness from all! Since nobody is doing anything about it, i think i'll organise it lah one day we go together-gether kays people?! Heh. Anyway, i kept on playing Loco Roco..very kemaruk(addicted). Best lahs! :D
School is starting real soon! Arghhhhhhh. Heh. Must prepare so many things. Wah wah wah.
K taa!
yours truly :]

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