Sunday 16 March 2008

Didn't went for yesterday's band prac due to registration stuff. It was so confusing anyway. So i wouldn't wanna talk about it here. Lol. After that, went home for awhile. Changed my clothing to suit the weather and also cos of cycling. HAHA. Joined the loved ones - my dearest bandmates, at tampines interchange then to the usual eating place, Food culture @ Century Square for lunch.

After that we split up, then re-joined again and we head to East Coast Park! And so i tompang my little brother instead of Padi yesterday. Hee. Again, cycled from East Coast all the way to Changi then back to where we started. Tiring of cos for the cyclist! But but but, had loads of fun! I was labelled "The most busuk face of the day". -_- Thanks huh Firli! Hahaha. So funny lah they all. But actually each one of us had a moment of busuk-ness lah! Hehehe. Then after that we took 196 (if i'm not wrong, haha!) to somewhere in City Hall and head to the foodcourt at the usual Marina Square for dinner. SERENE joined us! Missed her soooooooooooooooo much! Cute lah she bought us girls beautiful bracelets from India! If you're reading this, thanks for it! Hee. So here are some pictures snapped yesterday...

Here's all of us!

Again! :)

The ladies!

The guys!

Aww sweet :)

Nice :)

Do notice the "gays". HAHA.

SUPER RANGERS! Oops....HAHAHA. It should be Power Rangers lah Firli!

Beautiful Sunset!

Our bro. Heh.

I love!

Me and Noreen in the bus. Hah.
yours truly :]

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