Wednesday 6 February 2008

Hello Hello Hello :)

I'm finally back here! Hmm i really really wanna talk about last sat cause it was too good to not talk about. Heh. Went to the usual Saturday band practice and was hoping that i wouldn't get any scoldings frm Lim Pang Kwee. And so i didn't even talk to him on that day. Finally Noreen was around! Anyway, they decided to change the choice piece from Oregon to Pilatus: Mountain of Dragons by Steve Reineke. It's a wise choice to change the choice piece cause Oregon is hell. Okay, maybe it's not that bad. Oregon is crazy. Yes people keep saying that the piece is nice, melodious, blah blah blah. But it's a pretty difficult piece. And to practice it for only a few months, it's totally impossible to get a metal. Maybe a piece of paper. But yeah they've changed it and i'm happy. :) At least we're used to that Dragon song. Heh. We just have gotta brush and polish up ourselves. Next thing is, i really do not know if Jack and Edward will still be around or not. Are they quitting? Or are they just going MIA? I heard that both was kicked out by Fit. But Edward was around on sat..? Then he went missing during the second half of the prac. Sheena told me that he quit. Oh yah Fariqe re-joined the section. I don't really know how many players in total are in my section. But we shall see how it goes later. Oh yah, om Hasyim was around~ Haha. The band actually sounded so grand. The sound is finally there. Hope it stays like that and improve as the time goes by. Me and Noreen felt so happy to hear the sound of the band being like that. Hee.

After prac, the whole group split. I accompanied Noreen to Kembangan while others head to town if i'm not wrong. What was i doing in Kembangan-Ulu place like that? Haha. Went to this Muslimah Salon at Kembangan Plaza. Surprisingly, there were so many customers there! (for an ulu place that is) Only one hairdresser! She works alone. Power huh? So we went eating at this nearby coffee shop (coffee shop! can you believe it?!!?!!) Oh yah, Noreen's colleague was there with us too. I don't know her name but we called her Kak. :) We ate from this Vietnamese Food Stall. Not bad, my Kway Teow Soup Vietnamese Style tasted abit like our very own Mee Soto. Heh. And oh gosh i LOVE the Ice Lemon Tea over there! It taste different. Went back to the Salon when it was drizzling. Kak cut her long layered hair to a short bob-concave one. Very pretty, look so much much younger, like seriously. Heh. Noreen coloured her hair red!!! It's a very daring colour i must say. Oh yeahhhhh~ It always feels good to look different from minahs. :-S Kekeke. She wanted purple. But it was out of stock. Nevermind gerl, we can colour our hair purple together someday! :p It felt so homely to be there at Cik Farida's Salon. Her Salon is called Salon Khairunnisa by the way. Since me and Noreen were the so-called budak(kid) over there, we got to listen to loads of advises from Cik and Kak. HeeHee. We talked about marriage(before&after), school, work, languages, hair(duh!), their experiences and moreeeee. At least we felt young on a saturday huh. With new band members joining in, we were always among the eldest in band. And i won't miss this....... i got to be her assistant lor! Helped her abit with the hair chemical mixtures and all. Abit only lah. How cool is that? She showed what she uses you know, unlike other Salons who don't reveal what they use. Okay maybe i sound like i'm recommending this Salon to people. But hey, it's worth it. Kak coloured her hair as well. Hee. And Noreen's hair looks lovely. Next time i visit there, Cik Farida told me to just say that i'm one of the three girls and i'm her assistant. She's sure to rmbr me. How touching. I will go there again for sure. We said bye to Kak and the rest. Woot. :)) Padi joined us later on.

Next, we went to join the gang at City Hall at some Cafe which i can't recall. Oh i was shock to know about those stuff. Sounded scary, really. Ate dinner at the usual my-most-favourite-mall, Marina Square. Soefian and another guy-whose-name-i'm-not-sure-of joined us too. We eat, talk, laugh, tease, joke around, drink, and talk and talk and chit-chat. Hahaha. Fun lah to be with them. Before that! I accompanied Noreen to withdraw money from the nearby ATM. Two minah YPs were queuing behind us and they were so so irritating! They peeped at the ATM screen while Noreen was withdrawing her cash. They were only a few centimetres behind her. So rude! I felt like saying, "Keep the distance". But didn't want to cause trouble. (I wasn't daring enough actually! Though they were kids. Kekeke :p) After the meal, Noreen bought a few Mcflurry's for us to share. Hee, how sweet. We stand in circles and talk and eat ice-creams. :)) And there then, i got to know that when me and Noreen wasn't around, Hafiz actually kissed Gabriel on his cheek. 0_0 Not surprise.

Can't wait to meet them up again on Friday! No band prac this Saturday. And i'm gonna make sure i make the right choice on my application.

yours truly :]

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