Wednesday 20 February 2008

Gosh it's been 2 weeks since i last blog. Sorry guys! Been wanting to but my comp had been naughty! Okay so many things has happened ever since. But there's too many to talk about. So i'll just blog about yesterday.

Yesterday(19Feb2008), i actually went out with Arni & Natasha! I can't believe it myself. It has been 3 long years! Natasha looked like a diva. So the-vogue. Heh. Arni looked sweet in her dress, very lady-like. Here are some pics.

We ate at Qi Ji. Here's me eating Nasi Lemak Set No.3! Wahahaha.

Me & Arni. :) Natasha took this pic. Turns out nice huh.

Lovely. Aren't they? :))

Oh Bugis!

My most fave one. Suh-weeeet!
The most unbelievable thing that happened was, we bumped onto Syikkin! In the library. Like what i heard from people, she change.....ALOT. I don't wanna comment much about her. Wish her the best. Heh. Had a great time with them. Will be looking forward to more outings together with them and others!
Now i really must say this. I'm so in love with this.....

It's the Pacific Coffee Company's Vanilla Snowflake! It taste like heaven! It's a must try!
Till then. :]

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