Tuesday 11 December 2007

My saturday was great. *Smiling widely. :D
Wore that black top. (Padi wanted me to wear it so much,heh.)
Surprisingly, i got so many compliments. Thanks. :) And a few comments. Haha.
Anw, we went round and round at town area before eating at Sakura. I finally tried something different. Instead of the usual Cockles Kway Teow, i had Hokkien Mee for lunch. And then we walked around again. There were so many cheap stuffs. And i was argh-ing to myself cause i don't have enough cash. I really want to save anw. So yah, i didn't bought anything. It's okay, it's okay, it is really okay. -_-

We took loads of pictures! And it all turned out to be nice! heh. I've uploaded only one pic. Haven't receive others yet.

Soon after, Serene and Hafiz joined. Which explain why they aren't in the pic. And my brother left. Then we went round town again. Was planning on watching a movie, but then decided on playing bowling at my most favourite shopping mall: Marina Square. (Take note! :p)

Bowling was fun as usual, except that i wasn't playing. Heh. Oh! before that, we went to the opposite arcade. Padi and i saw this mat salleh. He's so koyak! Like seriously, he's so good looking. He was wearing a tee and bermuda with high-cut Converse shoe. Gosh i can't believe i can actually recall what he was wearing. Simple huh? At that time he was playing Time Crisis 3...alone. The way he hold the "gun" and focusing on his enemies, wow. Okay, i shall stop talking about this stranger. Padi, i bet you're laughing at my entry now. HAHA. And also, i actually played Datona for the very first time in my life. And it was BAD. Racing was never easier than i thought it was. I kept on reversing and it was kind of irritating. Not only to me, i'm pretty sure about that. I think i did block the others' way. LOL. And obviously i appeared to be last on the track. I was lucky. Lucky enough that no one was observing our race. No other stranger. HAHAHA.

So after bowling, went to Watsons for a while to smell those addictive Victoria's Secrets body splashes. I promise myself, i'd buy it when i got the money. Then they went eating at Long John, when soon after i got to leave. And so i left with Padi. My dad fetched us. :)

What an enjoyable day. And sucha long entry. hee. Taa :)

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