Thursday 6 December 2007

I've been watching alot of tv.
I seldom go online on msn nowadays. Don't seem to have the 'mood'. Haha.
Well as i was saying, i watched alot of tv. I watched so many different movies and shows.
And i really mean it when i said 'different'.
Horror, funny, touching, etc.
The best thing is i learnt alot from those shows and movies. Despite doing nothing much at home. LOL. (Oh i watched them on tv channels like star movies, not in the theatres. heh.) I really learnt alot, seriously.
One of them is this movie. It's called Crossroads : A Story Of Forgiveness. I cried okay. It was so touching! I recommend this movie to all. It's worth watching. Unless you're not those emotional type or what. :) Even Fadhil said so, it is touching.

Last weekend was well spent. Had a great time with family and cousins. Celebrated two birthday parties! One on each day. And, thank you dearest niece for the gifts -beautiful bracelets and keychain from India. :))
Can't wait to meet the bandmates on saturday for an outing to town!!! Woohoo~

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