Sunday 16 December 2007

I wasn't really satisfied with Hady's performance. It was very normal. The first song was melodious. But the second... I'm not saying that the second performance by Hady wasn't okay. It's just that it wasn't what i expected from him. He has sucha strong voice. Why didn't he sang You Give Me Wings instead? Why am i even commenting on his performance? As if i'm a better singer. Heh. But really, he could have done better. Well, i kinda agree to what Anu Malik(Indian Idol Judge) said about Hady's second performance. He said that Hady didn't really care about what the judges said about him and so on. He was just being himself, happily enjoying himself. Whether he be the first Asian Idol or not, he's still Hady Mirza. I just love those words from him. Nice :)
I don't fancy that White guy(No, i'm not being racist. Just stating which one. Heh.), Paul. He's acting like as though he wants to be the next Simon. Well, he's not. He sometimes give unreasonable comments. Unlike Ken Lim. He's the best judge. :) The rest of the judges are okay i guess.
I like Indonesian Idol, Mike. He's so teddy bear-like. Heh. Philippine Idol, Mau, is so Whitney-like. She has sucha powerful voice! Vy, the Vietnamese Idol, has the looks. Her voice wasn't what i expected it to be. She has a great voice. Indian Idol, Abhijeet, is a heart throb. He has this handsome plus cute indian-ish look(Stop it, he's married). He should be an actor instead! Hah! But but but, he has sucha lovely voice~ Just imagine you watching an indian movie(more to hindustani movie). He has THAT kinda voice. Just amazing huh. Lastly, Jaclyn Victor-Malaysian Idol, i love her voice the most(ooopps! But i still love you Hady!). Don't worry, i feel like puking to my own words. Honestly, i prefer Taufik. HEH. Anw, Jac has got the voice which can be brought attention to(in a good way of course!). Just superb.

Why am i even blogging about Asian Idol? I hope i don't sound like a reporter or worst, teenage-like fan.

You see people, i've been lucky enough that i can even manage through these paragraphs. Let me just get this straight. Trojan has conquered my computer system. It's really getting worst as each day passed by. This thing is slowing down the system. Who doesn't know Trojan? Everyone does. Just like a star. -_-
A few minutes before i blogged, there wasn't even the word START at the bottom left corner of the computer screen. HAHA. I've been busy uploading LOADS of pictures and songs online cause my comp will be sent for repair tomorrow. Which means i'll lose everything on this comp. How did this happen you must be wondering? My bro accidentally accepted it. Which bro? HAH.
I was mad of course. For a while. But then i was thinking, there's no use getting angry over this incident. He made a mistake. Well, a serious mistake. A "i-can't-forgive-him-but-i-must" mistake. It's okay. It's not like he just murdered someone. Sheesh. I just put myself in his shoes. I know how it feels like to be blamed. So instead, i talked nicely. And the most obvious thing is, of course i love him more than this silly computer. So, who cares(As if!).

So if i'm not updating this, you know why. -_-

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