Friday 30 November 2007

How much more indecisive can i get? urrrgh. I had a plan. And this is it. I get a part-time job while i wait for the poly application then results.
Suddenly, i got a phone call ytd from the HR about a vacant place for lab support in BRASS. I was like "what the....". I didnt pick up the phone though cause i was asleep. So when i woke up i messaged her(oh her name's Jo). I once asked whether there's any vacancy there. But there wasn't any at that point of time. But now after having a plan, it comes to me just like that. Sheesh. Okay well, the indecisive part is whether i should take up that job. Then, there were so many questions popping up in my head. I shouldn't elaborate more.

Oh. I finally got the top which i had been aiming for since...... last saturday. heeh. It's not exactly the one i aimed for. But it's almost similar. Padi helped me with the choosing part. I guess he knows how indecisive i can get. Haa! Yes, adik(Padi) accompanied me on wednesday. And if you're reading this, hope you've stop sniffing the "Endless Love" okay! HAHA.

I'll really miss my Bandmates cause we won't be hanging out this saturday. *sigh* But at least i'll still be going out. Family-day for this weekend(sat&sun). :)

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