Monday 31 December 2007

The PC is okay now. Like finally!
When the comp wasn't around, i wanted to update on loads of things cause there were just too many things going on. So now that it's back, i am suppose to update on it but can't cause... i have forgotten what i was gonna update on. Haha.

Oh i'm so glad Hady won. YAY! (cerita basi). And i heard about Jamie Spears. She got pregnant right? That's what my parents told me. That was on radio or something. And she's only 16. I thought she was different from her sis. Turns out to be the same. Anyway, that's not my problem. So, all the best to her.

I went to quite a number of birthday parties these days. Little cousins or rather nieces' and nephews' birthday parties. I only managed to snap few pics of it on one party. Forgot to bring the cam on the rest. Heh.

Me & Iqah!!!
Those little babies are shoooooo cute!

Oh and i met up with my ITE classmates. And Afian was there! We haven't met for like god knows how many months. Had fun :)

Afian's head was 1/4 cut off. Haha.
Today marks the end of 2007. It has been a year full of experiences for me. And it is a more interesting year than last year's. There were upsets, heartbreaking, exciting, joy, confusing moments throughout. The split-up, BRASS, ITE graduation, outdoor performances, Charles & Keith - dealing with customers(customer service isn't easy) and colleagues, turning 20 (oh no! twenteen.), concerts, getting to know more ppl! (really more than i ever expect!), and so on. I really got to know loads of ppl this year. I learn alot about different characters in different ppl and how to "handle" them. Haa! Getting to know more ppl means getting experiences too. What a crazy year!

I hope 2008 will be just as exciting or even better! I hope to be a much more patient person and mature even more. I'll be 21! Sheesh, so fast!

Happy new year! :)

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