Monday 26 November 2007

Last saturday's outing was exciting! We cycled frm East Coast Park to Changi Beach, to and fro. Tiring of course! I tompang Padi lah! I managed to learn how to cycle on Bedok Jetty. Yes i do not know how to ride a bike. Haha. But i still haven't get it though. It's okay. There is still nxt time. Hasyim took turn to be the "driver" for once. Then back to Padi. I never knew cycling was this fun! lol. I can't forget they mentioned koyak everytime they come across a so called hot guy. And also, about Hafiz singing Atomic Kitten's song with me and Padi while Padi on the song on his hp. He was hantam-ing the lyrics and it sounded funny seh! Gosh i wish there'll be this kinda outing again. There were 9 of us in total on that day. :)

Top row: Firdaus. Center row: Padi, me, Noreen, Sheena & Nad. Bottom row: Hafiz, Hasyim & Azman. @ Bedok Jetty.

Adik & me! Looking dead tired after cycling! Oh, and Hasyim's head. ;p


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