Friday 23 November 2007

If only i can live in the fictional world with fictional characters. There are some advantages and disadvantages to it. If only i can befriend barbie. If only i can befriend leon(resident evil). If only i can befriend....
They're just so perfect.
If only.
Laugh if you want to :)
I'm just bored right now..with basically nothing to do. NOTHING. Nothing at all. Maybe there is something to do. But i just can't be bothered to find out what is there to do. I'm just looking forward to tmr's outing with the rest. Who else if not the band members. Yesterday night, or rather, early this morning, had a video-msn session with Noreen and Firli. Japanese video pranky session. They(The Japanese) are just so lame and crappy, they made me laugh till i cried. heh. This one made me laugh the most.

That guy who got beaten the most number of times, is sooo cute. Right? Those two guys with emo-hair lah basically. heh. :P (Endo! & Tanaka!)

Oh yah, if you use other ppl's hp without permission just to get a girl's number and you don't get it, then don't show your anger towards your friend whose hp got "hacked" by you. Be more mature i should say. Glad it's over. :)

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