Wednesday 21 November 2007

Oh how i wish i can turn back time. Saturdays with bandmates and band practices. Playing the euphonium with my dearest euphonist's. The gossips, the misunderstandings, the fun, the laughters, etc. The hangouts after band practices. I'm gonna miss all the fun! Furthermore, Serene has left :(
Ohh pls do keep in touch! I know you will. :)
I think i'm gonna continue in concert band. Or should i not?
Or am i gonna quit the concert band if there's an alumni band? hrrm.

All i know is that i'm going to this sat's instrument maintenance thingy. heeh.

Anyhoos, saturday's concert was fun fun fun! Though there's hiccups here and there(including the teeny weeny hiccup during my solo), i'm still happy that i've played for that concert last week. The audience's response was so much better than last year's concert. This year's audience power lah! They're so supportive! Oh i'm just so glad. :)))

This was one day b4 concert (16.11.07), back stage. Just like hollywood stars huh? heh.


My koyak lil dearie. =)

There's more pictures. Snapped on other's cameras. Still haven't got them yet. Errk. heeh.

Oh ytd's hangout with Aishah was fun! (everything seems fun huh? lol.) We went bugis. It has been quite some time since i step my foot there. I think. And we bought earrings as usual. It's like becoming a must to buy earrings when we're at bugis. hee. Good luck for ur TP! Insya'Allah you will make it. :)And you can drive me around here and there. :P

Oh can't wait for later!!! :D

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