Monday 24 September 2007

hi (:

it has been awhile. well, i'm done with my job. and i'm so happy abt it. i dont have to face troublesome customers anymore. yay. my last day was on the 15th. but before i ended, i managed to take a few pics with my colleagues...

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Natalie. She looks like a chinese huh? She's a filo btw. Oh, the bg is Charles&Keith TM outlet.

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Cindy. She loves poking me. haha.

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The not-so-clear me climbing to get shoes...haha.

That's all i managed to take. The day after 15th, went to Singapore Wind Symphony's Concert to catch azman in action with noreen, serene & sheena. i was late..hmmph. To my surprise, sir(mr richard png) was there. More surprises, mr nazreen, mr badrul hisham, mr faizal, colin, keith, joeven ridzuan and that eupho player whom azman said to be the best eupho player in singapore, was there too. wow i didnt know i knew so many ppl in sws. more surprises, farah was the host for that! and benita was there too. wow! and and after that got to chit chat with sir for awhile.

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HAHA. I, edited this one. It looks cool huh. Sheena, Serene, me & Noreen.

On saturday, went back for band prac (: really miss all the fun. i finally got to play the eupho. My sound kinda sucks maybe cos i havent been playing it for nearly 3 mths? wow. and mr lim,...dont wish to talk abt him. A waste of time. lol. After that went to accompany Noreen for her facial thingy @ Bugis. Then went to break fast with ITE classmates =)

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I got this pic frm Marly btw. Didnt got to snap the whole gang...

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Atix, Hamie, Nad & Hudz. Pretty arent they? heh. Grabbed frm Marly as well.

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Me & Marly.

After that, joined back my lovely bandmates. Went to Taka, Serene bought her giftbox. Then to Starbucks @ Paragon. Didnt took any pics but i had FUN. Notice the bold? haha. Laugh my head off with the rest of them. So much LAUGHTER. heehee. I finally got to eat the oreo cheesecake ive been wanting to try. haha. and also another new "thing"- Chocolate Cream Chip. I'm not a Starbucks freak. So i'm a sotong when it comes to it. Everything is new to me.

A long entry i guess. Taa. :)

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