Monday 20 August 2007

ok now i am having chicken pox.

its crazy i tell u. crazy!!!

well sesuatu yg terjadi, mesti ader hikmah disebaliknya.
i always believe in that phrase.

i know why.
OR ELSE, i'll be at work...
getting all stressed and getting bullied. lol!

work is fully bullshit. *oops :S
i really cant tahan alr. they're bullying me like
nobody's business. at first it was the customer.
now its the ppl there themselves.
if its the colleague, then its byebye alr.
i have to get out of there!

things had been fine but its just recently, i had a strong feeling
someone doesnt like me :( (at work)
its so strong that i believe that its really really true.
what am i talking about? lol.
i think its my manager. or my area manager?
i dnt knw. they wanted to transfer me to wisma atria.
but there was someone sent to tampines?!
if someone was sent to tampines, it means that there are
not enuf manpower rite? then why wud they sent someone
frm other outlet to tamp, and sent me out?
haiz, i may be the youngest there. but i definitely got a BRAIN.
i can THINK. and i got a HEART. i can FEEL. i have feelings ok.

its best that i just see what happens nxt.
oh! yah my dad sent my MC to the manager and she accepted it.
but soon after my dad left, she called me to say that its invalid.
why didnt she just tell my dad huh? scared huh?
aduhhh. pening sekali kepala gue.
polyclinic's MC, a government's one. is invalid sehhh. power rite they all?
hehehe. just becos the doc nvr stated that i got chicken pox on the MC.
they just rejected the MC. how sick are they? sheesh.
and my letter of resignation.. was rejected. i have to serve them another 2 more weeks
it looks like my plan on going back to band on the 1st sep, is not working.

my dad will give ya'll Ministry Of Manpower ok? thanks. :)

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