Friday 9 November 2007

Finally raya is coming to an end. Tmr's 29th syawal-the final day.
So many things had happened before and during the month of syawal.
Some made me excited. While some, confuses me.
But anw, this year's raya was a blast. Enjoyed it very much.
Surprisingly for this year, i went out with friends(for visiting) more than with family.

Next topic: Band.
I'm so worried abt the upcoming concert which is nxt sat!
And like the past years, i haven't sell a single ticket yet. Though i've asked a bunch of ppl, most of them won't be able to make it. Sigh. They're mostly busy with their own tight schedule and all. Some have no interest in band music. So it's okay. At most i can only sell two tickets. Hee. To my parents :) That's bcos Fadhil alr sold 5 tickets! So, i booked my parents first. ;p He, can go and sell to his peers. heh.

Here's the poster for the concert. So nice!

Good luck to all! =)

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