(Before I start, I know I didn't blog last week - well I plan to blog at least once a week. But last week was hectic. My cousin got married! He's the same age as me. And as usual, people keep asking me when is my turn. I'm not that old really! -.-)
Anyway, I wrote this on my FB wall:
"The fact is that all of us and all of you may be blind - not physically but metaphorically. We fumble around this world barely knowing what we're doing or where we're going. We find somebody that we want to be with but barely know who they are. And then we sometimes go through huge extents to try to change who we are to make that person like us. We do it through the makeup we think we should wear. We do it through the clothes that we think we should buy. We do it through the actions we think we should do. And we do it through the words we think we should say. We try to be somebody that we're not to make somebody we barely know like us a little bit more."
Those deep words are by Simon Stawski. It's too bad that non likes it~ Except my brothers. >.< But it's a fact of life. We tend to want to impress the people we barely know while we forget about those important ones. I was watching a video made by Simon and his wife. They were making reviews on a video by Brown Eyed Girls - Cleansing Cream. You should watch the video and then watch the review by Simon and his wife > Review < then, you might understand what I'm talking about. If you even bother. Lol.
I think what they're trying to say is that we should just be ourselves and not try to copy others/try to be someone else just to impress someone we barely know. There's nothing wrong to look good of course, but I'm trying to say that we should bother more about the people who loves us and who are more important.
There's another video that I want to talk about. This video made me cry so much. It's "Pray" by Sunny Hill. Yes yes, both are Korean MVs, but you gotta watch em' cos they're really good! Trust me. Not some random ones I assure you. Both videos have hidden messages. About this one, I think it's trying to say that some humans might misuse their authority when they have power over those weaker ones. We take advantage of the power that we have and sometimes, can be heartless. Notice the word "some", please.
The creature (or I would say less fortunate being) was taken advantage of for their so-called experiment. Poor thing. Even animals deserve rights. I hate the cruelty being shown. I mean, they should just let it be it and not torture it, right? Ok I shall stop here. You get my point don't you?