Everytime when any of my girls have relationship problems or they broke up with their boyfriends, i'll get mad. I know it's not even my problem but I feel sad for them getting their hearts broken and hurt, etc. I mean when they let it all out to me, it hurts - I feel them too. I've been there, I understand and know how it feels.
I just want to say that, if your partner keeps lying to you and you've forgiven them a million times but they still repeat the same old mistakes, don't bother continuing the relationship and move on. A liar is a liar (plus a cheater adding to that!). I mean, you'll know if they lie on purpose or with a good reason. But then again, if they keep lying to you, is it worth saving the relationship? If it's marital, then I have no say. No experience, no say. Like I said, if your partner keeps lying to you then how are you going to trust them again? If there's no honesty, then trust is gone. The quote above, "Even the smallest lie could ruin up the biggest trust one could give to a loved one", is so true right? So, without trust, can there still be a healthy relationship? I don't know man, it's up to ya'll. My advice is: forget them, forgive them and move on.
People may say, how can you give up on relationship just like that? Well, i'm not asking you to give up. If u can manage, then be it. Good for you. But if it's "killing" you, just forget it. Love yourself first, before loving others. I mean, you know what's best for you, right? If not, pray to God. Pray for a way out of it.
The most annoying part is that I'll always get affected too, when they have these problems. It all comes back to me, the phobia and stuff. I should stop being this way, really. How annoying.
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