Thursday 23 July 2009


I hate you.

You seem careless, like totally. But hate is too strong a word to use. Sigh. What am I doing all these while? Should I just stop?


I wish that someone will make me fall in love all over again and that my heart will be carefully taken care of. Who wouldn't want a happy ending? Or, are fairytales just fairytales? But most guys are jerks. They only use us, right ladies? I feel sad for all my girlfriends who are facing the same sh*t as me. I really do. I feel so sad. It's shocking that at one time, a lot of my girlfiends are having this kind of problems too. Some are facing worst than mine. And I can't take it. How could they have the heart to do all those things that hurts us alot? Didn't they realise that they will get it back someday?

Where to find a fine man then? Where have all good men gone to?


Some ladies are jerks too. They won't care if he is someone's lover/boyfriend, fiance or husband!

To the person who said this,
"Got lover? Can break what.... Got fiance? Can get separated what.... Got spouse? Can divorce what...."

That person is a jerk too. It was a guy btw. I mean, don't you have a heart? You mean you won't care if you have already fallen in love with someone so deeply and your lover got "snatched" by someone else? If you really don't care, then you've never really fallen in love then. That's probably infatuation.

My grandmother, my parents told me that in the past, things wasn't like today. The world has evolved. Why has the world changed so much? No, the world hasn't change. It's the people who have changed. But again, i've heard alot of stories. My mum told me that on RIA 89.7FM, during Fiza O's airing session, ladies will share their experiences or asking for other people's opinion on what to do. Alot of them mentioned that their lovers just went silent and went missing! Seems very familiar to me. Too familiar in fact. My mum was thinking. Is it a trend these days that guys will just disappear into thin air when they can't handle something?

Trend?! Breaking a person's heart is a trend is it? I'm not only talking about myself here. I'm concern about my girlfriends too. And I really feel sad for them, like i've said. I feel you girls. My girls - their bf's went missing too and left them with no news at all. What ever happened to responsible men? What ever happened to courageous men? What ever happened to gentlemen?

Yes, some guys will get angry after reading my post. But, if you're not like that, jangan terase k? Of course not all guys are like that. I mentioned "most", not all. But these days..............difficult to find. There are some guys, my friends and family who are nice people. But they too have a problem searching for the right one. A good lady. Then they will go asking, "Where have all the good ladies went to?" They still exist. Just have to search carefully and thoughtfully. We ladies should do that too I guess? I don't know. Tired of it. Some people have met the good ones, but they being a jerk, just decided to let the partner go. Coward. Be strong, Idah. I know you are. Look forward to a brighter future okay.

Oh by saying this, my mum laughed and said in malay(i've translated) "You want to advise people on being strong and look forward to a brighter future ahead?" She laughed again and smiled. "You should do the same actually". Darn! I should do it too. It's difficult lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Gosh, it's 2.26am now. I better get some sleep now. Will update again soon!

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