Tuesday 21 July 2009

Hey! Here's an update on last saturday! Yeah, kinda late I know. Hehe.

Here's while waiting for their turn!

On their way...

That's the so called stage. Small but huge space for drummers I guess. Heeh. AND! Crowds doesn't come and go. They did stay ok. Mingle here and there. :)

Tuning, preparing...

As you may have noticed, alot of the pictures are blurred. Well, that's because they're not static when I snapped them. ;p And, you don't see anyone(the crowd) in the pics while they're performing because I was standing right in the middle at the most front! Haha! Also, I love their original: Sahabat. I think they should go and do some recording!

And I managed to catch fireworks(AGAIN for the 3rd time this year) with my parents after that! ;p

Will update again. Taa!

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