Sunday 21 June 2009

It's all planned. I knew that I was going to be all tired after this week. Problems after problems. Then there were straight UTs (test) right after school re-opened, everyday.

It's was tiring. Tiring. Mind, body & soul. The good thing is i'm able to cope with all that. Alhamdulilah. But that does not mean that it was easy. It wasn't. So, before that, I already had plans for my weekend. The plan was to go for Deputy Siren's gig... on friday. But I was too tired. So, I planned on going for it yesterday. I even had plans on joining the band members for the sentosa outing, also for yesterday. And today, it was a so-called gathering session for alot of the band members @ Noreen's little sister's wedding.

Sad to say, I can't attend any of them. :( It's so sad. Maybe some of ya'll might think that it's nothing big. I mean, I can always go out on other days. But I have got to have the time to enjoy myself. I have to enjoy myself. You readers should know why. But I can't. Why? The time of the month has arrived. :( My "stomach's" in pain as i'm typing this. It's so sad that when there's an opportunity for me to enjoy life with my friends, I can't.

But looking on the bright side, I guess there should be a good reason on why God didn't allow me to do all this. There must be a reason for everything.

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