Friday 29 May 2009

I want to have another entry for the day. ;p I've got to share some exciting news. Well, maybe it's not that exciting. But, it is for me! Hehe. My younger brother, Fadhil, had his NAPFA last week on Tuesday. So he had to do the sit-ups, standing broad jump and guys should know. And of course the most tiring one, the 2.4km run!

There were about 4 classes as of what he told me. So there were about 130-140++ people running for the 2.4km run. There were also people who ever gotten a gold or silver award who wore black coloured t-shirts. They are the so-called fit people. It's like when people see anyone wearing that top, "respect" lah hor. And! To my brother's surprise, he came in 1st! What a champion! ;p I'm so proud of him. He's a runner I must say! He beats all those fit people! He reached the "finishing line" after 8 minutes++!

Woah~ that's amazing. I'll only reach at after 20 minutes! Kekekeke. ;p Now let's take a look at the tee I was talking about!

Certified Fit ya know! ;p

So now those people will automatically "respect" him right! Lol. My brother is humble. So, this is what he gets. So proud of him! :D

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