Wednesday 17 December 2008

Went to meet Serene yesterday morning! Accompanied her to dye her hair. Met her at about 9.30am then off to Bedok Reservoir. After searching for the salon for quite some time, we finally found it - Closed on tuesday. We were like argh! Why must it be closed on tuesday particularly? Lol. Nevermind that. Then we went to have our breakfast at a nearby Mcdonalds.

Then we had a story sharing session about what's happening in each other's school(SP & RP). There were alot of OMGs. Haha. We both really really miss the times in ITE where we can unintentionally fall asleep during lessons in lecture theatres. Haha!

She wanted me to recommend some other salon. So, we finally head to Bedok North (near bedok interchange) to have her hair done at this particular salon which i used to go. She dyed her hair red. I forgot about the name of the colour but most importantly, she was so excited and happy about it! Glad she liked it. :)

Today, will be going for her concert. Can't wait to see her with the new hair-do again!

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