Wednesday 16 January 2008

Like i said in my previous post, i'm gonna update on my outings to the polytechnics right? Hmm after thinking about it, i guess i'll just sum them up. I used to have lots of questions in my head on how to apply and the entry requirement and so on. After the visits, i somehow know what i am gonna do. And i'm not giving up. I will give it a try. Of course i must have a plan B.

Since my failed attempt to enter the poly after my O levels, i always have a plan B for almost everything. It was heartbreaking when i couldn't enter the poly at that point of time. I had my hopes too high. And i didn't have any backup plans at all. I was over confident. Yes, i was quite arrogant about all those school stuff back then (not that i wasn't humble!) - i was influenced, somehow. I didn't even have any thoughts about ITE(at all!). All i thought about was only the polytechnics. I thought, i wasn't gonna embarass myself by entering the ITE and mixing with hooligans. No way i'm ever gonna enter the ITE. I looked down on ITE(in a not so obvious way,really). But that was the truth about my thoughts on ITE. I bet alot of people out there may think the same way as i did. That is looking down on ITE students. Maybe due to my arrogance, god let me undergo retribution. So i got into ITE then. After entering and graduated from ITE, now i know that it isn't that bad after all. In ITE, i learnt alot. I really mean it. ALOT. Experienced alot along the way. I met wonderful people there. And know what and how it's like to be at the bottom. Trust me, only the people who had gone through ITE life would know how it felt like to be there. I actually enjoyed myself very much. :)) Now i dare to say that i never regret entering the ITE. If you think by entering ITE means "It's The End", then you're wrong. I heard rumours saying that nowadays, many students from The Institute Of Technical Education behaves better than some of the students in Poly. No offence but that's what i heard.

Okay after side tracking, now i am gonna try and apply for Poly and also have a backup plan. I don't wanna put my hopes too high about entering the Poly alr. Lesson learnt. :)At the same time, i am not gonna give up easily.

yours truly.

Btw, I have just put up a taggie. May tag me if you want. It may be there for long. It may not be there for long. It depends.

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