Saturday 12 January 2008

~The good and the not-so-good.~

Let me start off with the not-so-good cause it'll only sound better when the good comes after.
In the morning, took bus 12 to ITE simei and when i got off the bus i nearly slipped and fall. Like seriously. Quite embarassing though. It would be more embarassing if i were to actually fall down. I was in the sleeping mode i guess. Then when i entered the school, i was stopped by the security. He said,"Hey! Where are you going?!" I stopped and shouted,"Band!" Hahaha. He could have asked me in a nice way and i would have answered nicely. That was the reason why i told Padi to wait for me at the school's bus stop. But, he day-dreamed his way to school and forgot about meeting me. Pretty funny actually. Heh. During practice, i kept on playing the wrong notes and flipping pages(scores) at the wrong time. Mispitched, wrong accidentals, etc. I was helplessly sleepy. During the auditioning period, some of us went down to eat our lunch. I ordered Chicken rice. We ate outside the cafeteria cause it was closed at that time. Somehow, the hungry me couldn't get to eat my meal. It was on the table and the next thing i know it was all scattered on the floor. I don't want to talk about it already. Kinda sad. No rezeki i guess. Around 4pm, when i was about to head home, it rained! I'm not complaining lah. But i was trying to save my ez-link, budget lah. So i had to take the bus to tampines interchange. It was very slippery and i was wearing my mum's charles&keith's pair of slippers which was heavy and slippery at the same time. Made my way to 81's queue. I was supposed to go one round to joined the queue but i took the short cut. For the short cut i had to kneel down under the railings to enter it. And, i knocked onto the railing. Hurtful. Especially when there are crowds. Then, just now i had a terrible stomach ache. Maybe due to my very late lunch. It lasted for hours. Since 6.30pm till about 9pm. -_- Oh! Noreen couldn't make it for today's band practice. And there won't be a band practice next week. I'm gonna miss her. Hope we'll get to go out together with the rest or something.

Okay now for the good one. Though i nearly slipped and fall, and was questioned by the security, i am at least very happy about being punctual for band. No, i wasn't punctual. I was early. Like i said in my previous post, i have gotta keep this going! Anyway, during practice although i made lots of mistakes, i actually was able to side read all of the pieces. With a bit of help by Fitri. Heeh. The pieces played was enjoyable. :) Also, having Li Koon sitting beside me keeps me awake. With her jokes and all. Nice. Before the audition started, the section leaders displayed all instruments at one corner. Also before that, when Padi just took out his trumpet, i tried playing it. I recalled the first brass instrument i tried was trumpet, during secondary school. But during that time, no sound came out when i blew it. But just now~!!!! Heehee. I even managed to play the whole of C major scale (I think. Which was Bb for Euph?). Up and down the scale! Also other scales, can't really remember which. I also got to try the trombone. It was quite heavy. What i mean is, a trombone player has got to put the whole thing on their left shoulder and "carry" it with their left arm. I don't think i can play it cause i once fractured my left arm :( But that's okay! Now i really badly seriously want to learn how to play the trumpet! First thing, i must be able to blow it and sound has got to be heard. Which i have successfully did. So, the second thing, i must be able to read treble clef and recognise the differences in notes(Trumpet & Eupho). Padi! please do me a favour can? Please help me with these. I suddenly felt excited just now! Okay chill. Hahaha. Oh yah, Naq and Aizuddin was back. They're re-joining the band. Nice to see them again :))

Since today's entry is so-called quite long, for my next entry i'll update on my day yesterday with my parents. We went to the polytechnic's open house.

yours truly.

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