Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Dip-Dyed/Ombré Hair

I've noticed that many people these days are doing the dip-dyed/ombre hairstyle. I wanted to try but I don't think it's possible. Or, maybe not now. Ah, I've been wanting to update on this post but I got lazy again. Lol. And now, I've forgotten what I wanted to say. Oh well~

Okay now I remember.

I used to love coloring my hair and after some time, it will fade and it will look something like this:

Black (natural color) at the top and brown/light brown at the bottom part of my hair (since it will fade after a while). I don't remember this kinda hair being "trendy" in the past. But now it's so popular. Weird, at my first thought. I think dip-dyed hair should be bold. If it's like the above, it looks "normal" to me....or it just seems that your hair color has faded. Maybe it'll be different for natural blonds. Oh well~ If I am going to have my hair dip-dyed, it'll be something like these:

Only the bottom part of course. I would NEVER color my hair blonde. :P

Michelle Phan!!  :D

G.NA~! ^^
My most fave dip-dyed hair!!! 
Miyake's one is my fave!! Really cute and simple too! Isn't she pretty?! :)

Credits: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]