[This post doesn't apply already since Facebook has changed to timeline. -__-"]
Hey lovely readerssssssssss! Yes I'm back again. I mentioned that I will be updating regularly, and that's what I'm doing now.
(I know I used to say that a lot. "Sorry I haven't been updating. I'll update more soon." But I usually FAIL to do so. But that's not the case for now. I have no idea why but I just have a lot of stuff to update and I've kept them as draft for too long.)
Let's begin today's topic. Have you ever been curious on who is "stalking" your profile on Facebook? Hmm maybe I'll use a nicer phrase, "Fans". I strongly believe that I'm not the only one who's curious on who is always checking out our Facebook profile. I'M SURE YOU ARE TOO, RIGHT! Bleargh~
There was Friendster. It was so exciting in the past, we will always know who our fans are. XD (Of course, with the exception of those who disable the function - I was one of them because I didn't want people to know that I viewed their profile. Boohoo! -.-)
It's different for Facebook. Facebook doesn't allow that to happen. It has this policy thingy. I'm not sure but I've read it somewhere about it. So if you ever seen those application which says "100% working. Click Like to know who viewed your profile", don't believe them. They're all FAKE because Facebook will terminate them if they ever find out..something like that.
Anyway, I heard from a friend (I don't want to mention who) that THERE IS ACTUALLY A WAY TO KNOW WHO YOUR "FANS" ARE. I didn't believe this at first and was so curious, I googled.
Answer: Friends who appear on your profile are your "Fans"
Of course you would say:
1) No, they're probably just random. It's randomized by Facebook.
2) Those are just the people who interacts with you the most. Facebook is just giving you links to the people you are most interested in.
The thing is, it's NOT randomized. You wanna know what is random? Remember the old Facebook layout where your 6 friends are shown?
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These are not my friends. Took it from a webbie. >.< |
Yes, this one was randomized. Obviously.
But what about the new layout? There are 10 friends instead. Try refreshing your page 5 times...or more if you're really curious. You will see the same 10 people on your profile, only rearranged slightly. Now that doesn't seem like random right? Out of so many friends on Facebook, why those 10?
Also, if you're saying those people are people you interact most with and Facebook is just giving you links to people whom you interact with the most. I disagree. Those who appeared on my page are NOT close to me and I rarely or NEVER talk to them on Facebook before. And I NEVER clicked on some profiles before as a matter of fact. But they are on my FB? Hmm. Of course some of my close friends appear before, but what about those I rarely/never talked to?
If it's not interaction with each other, and it's not random, then there's got to be something else. The most obvious thing I figured (and some other people too) is that those people are those who click on my profile a lot. (If someone stops looking at your profile, it will change to the next person who viewed your profile the most number of times. I'm sure you get the picture right? There's like a pattern to it. Lol!) If your friends are not hidden, others can see who your "fans" are as well! If not, then it's only safe to your own knowing. Hehehe! Oh! If you've made a list of your friends yourself, then that doesn't count though. For example, "My Best Friends" - then all your best friends are in that list. Get what I mean? Yes.
Of course, these are just based on my observations and it's totally your choice to decide what you think about it. But I'm sure there's a possibility that it's right. I've even tried google-ing. Some people do think the same way that I do. While some, never realised. I have to thank my friend for this.
I believe if everyone starts to realise this, there will be privacy issues. O.O So, if you're reading this, consider yourself lucky~ HAHA. Kidding. If you're willing to share, do it. If not, it'll be good that you know who's stalking you and they don't even know that you know about it. Get it? Thank you very nice! :D
Shiny Shiny
1) I've added buttons at the end of every post where you can share my post on other social networking sites. So if you like/love my post, share it with your friends! :)
2) Blog: REVAMPED! Changed from a sweet flowery look to a cute bubbly one and I'm loving it. ;) It's not a complete one though cos I've yet to do some stuff like the "Links" page. But that'll do for now. I'll slowly add some links, bloggers and more changes soon. ^^