(I wrote this on the 31st July and I ended up forgetting to post it. -.- Sometimes I remember and I just got lazy. I know I've been biased towards my other blog. Sorry. But it's so much easier to post videos and links. I don't need to think. Lol)
Has anyone brought this up? I've not seen any so far. If you did saw it somewhere, do share it with me. On why I want to talk about this topic is because recently I went to a seminar (or whatever it was called) organised by Mendaki. I was somehow inspired by the speakers. They were talking about how we can do all the things in the world to make us shine. Do the things that we love doing and pushing our limits. Don't care what others are saying that is in a way, stopping us from doing what we want to do. This quote was shared by one of the speakers, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I love that quote so much. Don't you agree? People are constantly trying to make you something else. Be it purposely or not. It's not easy to keep believing in yourself to keep at what you want to achieve and do it. There will always be obstacles. I will keep that quote in mind now.
Besides that, there's something I observed with the Malay community. I kinda did a reflection and I thought I'd just share this. I have only one main question. Why are we afraid of each other? (I'm not sure about the Malays in other countries though).What causes this to happen and why does everyone(almost) thinks the same? It hasn't come to my realisation until recent. Let me share with you a few scenarios:
1) It's weird when you are attending a Malay event and to actually say "Oh god, there's lots of Malays. I don't like it." Or "I don't mix well with Malays. I don't feel comfortable."
2) A new neighbour just moved in. The first reaction? "Oh my god this is scary. A Malay neighbour? As if there's nothing worst that could happen. Okay, we better be careful. We shouldn't be too friendly...afraid they might be "Kaypo" - Busy body".
3) Upon seeing someone you don't particularly like (E.g. Mats/Minahs/Etc.)... "Ugh, what do they think they're doing? Typical Malays..sheesh."
I think that would be enough even though there are more examples. Anyway, are we that scary? Sometimes we ask ourselves why is it so difficult for the Malay community to shine? (We are slowly shining, and I'm glad) But my point is, we keep complaining on why we fail to outshine the other community but at the same time are "afraid of each other".
I know I might offend some people by blogging about this, but isn't it a fact? Isn't all this happening? And some of us are supporting and "agung-agungkan" other community....like for example, myself. Lol. Okay, I wouldn't say I "agung-agungkan" that other community. *You probably would know which community I'm talking about* But there's just something about them that attracts me. And the Japanese too. Or maybe some of you would say, the whites?
Fine, I'm talking about the Koreans. Sometimes I think to myself. What's so great about them? What do they have that we, The Malay community, doesn't have? What do we lack? If you say capabilities, then you must be kidding. We are all humans. What makes them different than us? Everyone is unique, yeah we know that. But nobody is greater than the other. We are unique, but equal at the same time. 1 brain, a pair of ears, 1 mouth, etc.
I think the difference is the way we think? Is it how we were brought up? What is it? I ever told myself this, "The Koreans and Japanese are really outstanding. They are recognised everywhere. If only the Malay community is recognised similarly. I would be so proud of us." Some of us are ashamed of ourselves. Am I right? "Oh my god, typical Malay." Erm, what is so typical of Malay? Are we labeling ourselves?
Sometimes, we may say it without realisation. Like myself, we are human. But have we ever thought that by saying "argh I don't want to mix with them. typical Malay." it also means that we are labeling ourselves? Why are we so "proud" of ourselves? Why do we put ourselves so low? Why do we always think that other communities are better than ourselves? Why? Are we being stereotypical by calling ourselves typical which makes us really typical?
I really can't answer that. I don't know why. Like I've said, it's probably the way we think and the way we were brought up. I'm constantly asking myself why.
Of course, I don't think there's anything wrong in giving our support for other communities as long as we don't forget our roots. People can say whatever they want. But as long as I love doing what I'm doing, what others say is secondary. But that doesn't mean that I should forget my roots and call myself a Korean. Because I'm not and never will be.
As much as I do not want to look down on my community, I sometimes do. I dare to admit because I want to learn why I do such things and what I need to do to stop doing so. Because I think it isn't healthy? I'm very sure that I'm not the only guilty conscious one here.
For as long as I'm still figuring out why, what I usually do is ignore. Ignorance can be a bliss, but there are just some things that needs to be solved. But where do I start?
Even if I find a way to start, how do I change the way my community thinks of ourselves? We can't change the way people think right? Or can we?
I'm not sure what the other communities think of their own community. You might want to share with me. Peace.
Here's a picture of me, together with Ashila (at Marina Mandarin Hotel for Graduation Tea) & Noreen (at Jalan Besar stadium for Albirex's soccer match - they won!).