*** Before I start, I shall thank these people for giving me encouraging words and make me wanna continue my love for blogging. Thank you: SHEENA, FARIQE & NOREEN. I just felt that I should mention you guys here. :) Oh! I've "decorated" my blog as you can see. Nice? ***
Previously I asked, what defines beauty? When it comes to the word beautiful, who's the first person that comes to your mind?
Probably she's one of them. Agree? Yes, to me she's really gorgeous. By far, none of the people I know disagree that she's beautiful. So does that mean that everyone thinks similarly? That she's beautiful? If that is so, what ever happened to the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?
The phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", it means that beauty is subjective. It depends on the eyes of the beholder. The term beauty may differ for different people. But when it comes to people like Kate Middleton, do we throw that phrase away since she's a beauty in everyone's eyes?
Those are just thoughts. Something to think about. But I shall move on and get back to the topic. What defines beauty anyway?
If you ask me, I'll agree with the phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". As for my case, some people might think I'm cute or pretty or whatsoever. (Sorry for this, don't puke! HEHE.) But I believe that there are some people out there who thinks that I'm not attractive or not as attractive and so on. I accept that fact. I mean, you can't expect everyone to think/feel the same way towards you right? There are even guys who are prettier than ladies. Haha! Pretty boys.
See! He's prettier than me! -.- Hahaha!
On the other hand, if you keep hearing people saying negative things towards you especially on looks, just remember that there are people out there who thinks otherwise! :) One thing for sure, you should avoid those people who tries to bring you down! I've had people calling me names, insulting me, et cetera. But that was what I did, I avoided them. Of course it was hurtful, I have feelings too. But, you have the power to control your feelings - not them. You are the owner of your life, choose and learn.
Sometimes, we need help. If you can't handle it, look for someone you can trust. There are definitely people around for you to look for. Definitely. ;)
No.1 person to look for: Your mother. She gave birth to you, she definitely think of you as her most precious thing in the world. The first person I look for when I'm having troubles, my mum! :D Besides that, it can be any other person who's a dear to you. Also, remember to learn how to trust. I know it's difficult to trust people nowadays. But if you are afraid to trust, you'll lose out. Choose your friends wisely - because I'm picky when it comes to close friends. :)
But if there aren't anyone to look for, look for GOD. Don't make GOD the last resort though, remember that. GOD should be the first you should look for. GOD is ALWAYS there. Let me quote what Carrisa Puteri said, "Your relationship with GOD is more important than anything because you know for sure that's a relationship that will last forever." :)
There are also times when people try so hard to be someone else. Or be like someone else. I love this quote by Taylor Swift. She's right. Why are you trying to be the same as the other person? Why are you copying him/her? Are they better than you are? Everyone is born unique. Why change to be the same? Of course if you have someone to look upon and change FOR THE BETTER, why not. But don't change yourself into a stranger.
Have faith. Believe.
Besides beauty, personality plays an important role too. In fact, it's more important. Don't only focus on the outside. Because if your personality outshines, you're even more attractive as a whole.
Look at yourself in the mirror. That is God's creation. God's beautiful creation. Learn how to appreciate it. Enjoy your being. :)
Lastly, I shall wrap up everything I've said. You can't control the way people think/feel about you. Appreciate yourself and love those who loves you. Forget the rest. Like the saying goes, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Pictures credit: Google & Tumblr.