*** Warning: I'm going to talk a bit of Science here, so bear with me alright? :) If you wish to skip this, go to the line with the colour gray. ***
Anyway, if you didn't know...
Some facts:
- The Sun is a star.
- It is 92 million miles away from Earth.
- It is more than 4 and a half billion years old.
- It has no solid surface. It is comprised of gases: Hydrogen (92.1%), Helium (7.8%), Oxygen (0.061%) & Carbon (0.030%). Gravity binds them together pressing them towards the center giving the Sun its spherical shape. That gravity also creates intense pressure and huge amount of friction. Friction that causes the Sun's Hydrogen to be converted into Helium. Which means, the Sun is a super-sized atomic reactor (The process is called Nuclear Fusion).
- Nuclear Fusion: It occurs when 2 atomic nuclei are forced together forming a single new element releasing huge amount of access energy. Every second of everyday, our Sun produces as much energy as 1 trillion megaton bombs.
- 5.5 billion years from now, the Sun will begin to go out. Having consumed most of its Hydrogen fuel, the core will contract and heat up, causing the outer layers to expand. Our Sun will become the red giant. Growing so large that it will actually reach the current orbit of the Earth. After that, the Sun's outer layer will burst - releasing thick pockets of gas into space. For more info, visit the link that I'll share later.
To sum up all the facts that I've stated above, as important as the Sun is to us here - it just means that one day the Sun is gonna destroy planet Earth. Sounds funny and unrealistic? Well, based on scientific explanation, these are facts. It's SCARY right?! Fortunately, it won't happen in billions of years. (But no one guarantees that. The world can end at any time and no one knows when.)
I'm not trying to scare you, but it will happen someday. I'm just sharing what I've learned and realised. As for now, I shall continue typing in Malay. :)
*** Sebelum saya bermula, saya meminta maaf kalau apa yang saya katakan sungguh menakutkan. Maaf juga jikalau bahasa melayu saya pekat dan anda tidak boleh tahan. :) HEHEHE. ***
Kepada kawan-kawan yang sedang membaca, anda pasti pernah mendengar tentang hari kiamat? Di dalam Al-Quran ada tertulis bahawa pada hari kiamat, matahari akan berada sejengkal diatas kepala kita. Pernah mendengar itu bukan? Ya, jadi apa yang saya telah berkongsi dengan anda semua ada kena mengena dengan apa yang tertulis di dalam Al-Quran. Sebelum para saintis membuat kajian lalu mendapatkan maklumat yang telah dikongsi, semua itu sudah sekian lama tertulis di dalam Al-Quran.
Setelah melihat video ini, ia memberi saya kesadaran dan memperingatkan saya bahawa dunia ini sudah "tua". Banyak petanda yang ada untuk memperingatkan kita semua tetapi tidak ramai yang sedar. Seram kan? Saya bukan nak step jadi ustazah, tetapi hanya ingin berkongsi. Saya pun banyak kekurangan. Jadi, kita haruslah menjalani hidup dengan seimbang antara dunia dan akhirat. Korea, korea juga. Akhirat, mesti ingat. Hehe. Ini untuk memperingatkan diri saya juga. Wallahu a'lam.
Source: THE SUN. (Space School) *DO WATCH THE VIDEO*
That's all for now. Take care!!! :)