On Repeat: Part II.
Hey! Like I've said, I'll have more songs that are on repeat right? Here's the continuation. It's all Korean songs. :) This time, I'm updating on songs that are of slower tempo. Mid tempo to ballad-like melodies. It's the 'Battle of the Voices'! These people have great vocals. :)
Broken by Seo In Guk.
Seo In Guk is the winner of Mnet's talent show, Superstar K (Season 1) in 2009. He has a very unique look. Anyway, this song is really addictive. I got hooked the first time I listened to it! I got attracted by the way he sang and pronounce the word "Broken". Different. Very asian-like....I like! :)
My Heart is Beating by K-Will.
This song is rather sweet. (: The video is as sweet as the song! It made me go "Awwwww...". I love everything about this song and video seriously! Hahaha. Okay okay, the video is featuring our sexy Lee Joon of MBLAQ and our sweetheart, IU. About K-Will, his voice is just.....beautiful. His voice makes the song outstanding. (:
You Are the Best of My Life by Lee Hyun.
Lee Hyun's voice is powerful. This video features comedian Jung Juri and Changmin of 2am. It's a funny video in a way. Haha. But I love how the story goes. In the end, he still can't live without her after realising that she's not his dream girl. In fact, she's even better than his dream girl. After all, his dream girl doesn't exist. He goes for personality indeed. The one who can make him happy...not just based on looks. :)
Dreaming by Kim Soo Hyun.
There's no need for introduction for Kim Soo Hyun. He's already so popular. If you have watched "Dream High". I haven't actually. -.- There's just too many shows to watch. I'll watch it someday. But you see, I don't even watch the show but I know of his existence. He's that popular. Haha. He's cute right, ladies? :) Besides the cuteness, of course he has a good voice. That's it. ;P
0330 by U-Kiss.
Ahhh finally a group! It has been solo singers all the way from the start. Hehe. Bran New Kiss. That's how they spell it. It was saddening remembering the departure of one of my favourite U-Kiss member, Alexander. He was such a funny guy! I love him. Not forgetting Kibum. He's not my favourite though. Haha.
Anyway, their new album brings out a totally new concept. But I love it. Especially this song: 0330. Unique? Yes, very. We have the new members replacing Xander and Kibum: Hoon and AJ. Hoon has such an amazing-sweet-voice-I-loike! ;P Kevin has been my bias from the start though. But I'm slowly changing to Hoon. Oh my god! I know I know. But he's really talented and cute right! Hahahaha. I love them both. Hmm I love all of them! They're adorable and funny and good looking. All of them. :)
And my favourite part of the lyrics:
"Don't deny our R Square Pi"
The first time I listened to this song, I was like "What was that?! That was cool!" I mean, how could you even get mathematics be involved in song writing? That's really awesome! People are all confuse over the lyrics. But from my interpretation, I guess "R Square Pi" is the formula for the area of circle right? So, why would the song writer choose formula of an area to a circle and not other shapes? Maybe cos a circle has no end. His love for his ex-gf has no end. Vice versa. He wants to get back together. He can't seem to forget his ex-gf and keep thinking about her every night....especially at 0330am. :) That's the title of the song. "Don't deny our R Square Pi" - Don't deny that our love has no end.
Well that's my interpretation. Watch here to see the english sub for this song. :) I know the description for this song is the longest. Yes I really love this song. It makes me smile cos it's beautifully written and the melodies are stuck in my head. Especially with the beautiful voices of U-Kiss.
It Hurts by Yangpa.
And finally a lady! This lady has got great vocals! I love her voice! A really sad MV too. I cried. If you're confused over the story line, well here it goes.
It's about a couple who got into an accident. Sadly, only the girl survived but went blind. She just can't accept the fact that her bf is gone. The door that she keeps going to represents Heaven. She keeps wanting to go to him. Her bf pushed her away at the door as he wants her to continue living her life. But in the end, as he do not want her to suffer, he took her away with him.
You can see at the end of the video both of them are gone. She was in her friend's car when it blast. The guy crying was her friend. Both of them finally met...in Heaven, where she can see him clearly and be with him again. :)
Sad right?! So touching! Love story~ Boohoo. Hahaha. I know I know. If you're dying to know who's in the video, that hot guy who acted as her bf. Well, that's Sung Je from the band Supernova. :)
Yay that's the end! I will update again in future for more music update for all you K-pop music lovers! :D