Terasa keinginan untuk menjumpaimu, tetapi tidak berjumpa lebih baik buat imanku.
(English translation : To meet you the heart is keen, but to not meet would be better for my deen)
As a good friend tells me, like all other womenfolk, even hijabis have feelings. Thereal difference between anyone, as Allah reiterates multiple times in the Qur’an, lies in one’s ability to don the hijab of taqwa ;)
To my sisters (and brothers) out there, holding steadfast in the niyyah to not go on dates, be strong and have faith in Allah. InsyaAllah, all the times you spend alone because your friends are out with their partners, all the moments you stop yourself from agreeing to meet someone you have feelings for, all the nights spent wondering when your turn will come, InsyaAllah, Allah will see your every struggle and know that you are doing it for Him.
And InsyaAllah, when the right person comes, who loves you for Allah’s sake, he/she will understand and support you in your decision to not date, and thus build a home with you with nothing but Allah’s blessings.
Real love means helping each other attain Jannah, not holding each other’s hands walking towards Hellfire :)
InsyaAllah. Please make du’a for me and my weak weaaaaaaak imaan.
Written by: Fingularity