Last saturday, I went for a sharing session with my favourite DJ, Kak Nona! ;) Two of my girlfriends went there with me - Sally & Noreen. :) Why is it new you may ask? Well, I've not done this kinda thing before. Sharing session? Mixing with random people? I think I'll use the word socializing for lack of a better word. Haha.
It's an advantage to mix around with optimistic people! Right Noreen and Sally? Hehe. Negative thoughts = Negative outcome. Why? "Because we put in so much effort into that negative thought that the universe conspires to make it happen" - Nona Kirana. So stay positive as much as you can people! Try your best! I'm trying too! :D
The feeling of excitement was so "woah". Except for the part when we got a little lost, we were all so anxious even before the whole thing started! There were only 8 people around besides Kak Nona, her fiance and her cousin. It was a mini session together! I loike! ;p
*Pics credits to Sally.

Dinner! :)

Take care! ;)
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