Am I born to be like the one above, an investigator? Hmm not quite like it cause I don't do such. Sometimes I wonder, do I easily get information because of my sincerity? I'm honest and very sincere in doing the things I do most of the time. I take life seriously, if you know what I mean.
At times, I will know when and where to find. I know that I'm able to find or that I will automatically find out somehow. But, why? Sometimes, I just don't want to know certain things. Why? Because it might either make me superbly overjoyed or the opposite.
Which is why sometimes, I choose not to do it. Cause I fear. But then again, if it's meant to happen, it will happen no matter what, right? So if I have to get hurt over something, I should just give in because I always believe in rainbows after a rainfall, right? Yes, I do. :)
But the thing is, sometimes, we just have to look forward...not backwards. (Okay, it's not sometimes. We ALWAYS have to look forward.) But why is it sometimes we humans tend to look back? Hmm. We look back to learn from mistakes, but it doesn't mean we literally have to look back and go backwards. That's a proper way of doing things. Or is there even a proper way? Anyway, we look back because we don't want the past happenings in our lives to repeat itself. We tend to be more careful and such.
But as of now, I strictly tell myself not to. Even if I should find out, let it be. If I have a choice, I wouldn't make an effort to find out. I'll just let things happen naturally. Well, like the saying goes, "Let nature take its course". But if it's not meant to be found, it will never be known to me. God knows what's best for his humble beings. I truly believe that.
I might be soft in nature, but I can be very opinionated at times. If I believe in something, I will always believe in it unless someone can prove me wrong or have other things to back them up with. Especially if I'm right according to religious views and laws, I won't give in. I won't. I might sound stubborn but I'm not. I have my own principle and I tend to stick to it. Some may get the wrong perception of me, but I can't please everyone. I believe there's nothing wrong in being myself.
Of course I don't bring others down and be stubborn just because I think I'm right. I'm human and I do make mistakes. If I'm wrong, I don't mind being told that I am. I've had lots of experience with people who do not agree with my thoughts and opinions who just don't want to tell me about it or even bother to ask me. I mean, c'mon, if you're not happy just say it. Don't bother keeping it to yourself because it isn't healthy. I always try to do the same. I won't mind people sharing their thoughts and opposing views if they have any. I love discussions. Not debates. If you know me that well, you will know that if there are any arguments/ misunderstandings, I'd love to settle them straight away and not let it hang.
About this thing, it has long come to my realisation that some people wouldn't bother to be as appreciative. I think appreciation is at the top of my list. Ask me personally, I'll explain why. I just wonder, if I've always been appreciative and do have some consideration of other people's thoughts and views because I respect them, will others do the same?
If I don't like something, I tend to let it out. Or if it isn't the right time/isn't necessary, I won't do it. But if I do let it out, I won't just say what I dislike and expect people to understand. I will always explain why I don't like certain things. I don't do things/ hate things without any reasons. But the thing is, will people be able to accept my thoughts and views? Or at least consider what I've shared? It's all about appreciation. If you appreciate someone for who they are, the least you can do is respect his/her opinions even if you do not abide to it. Oh yah, respect is another thing. Hmmm.
Back to where I begin. Fear. Is fear the only thing that's making me not do the things that I really want/need to do? About my dreams and passion. Will I ever make it happen? About love. Will I give love and relationship another chance? About hope. Will I not stop hoping for better things to come? About life. Will I be able to keep my mind on the positive side?
Few weeks back, I had a decent conversation with my lovely girlfriend, Naddie. We talked about life and the daily happenings. About love and relationships. About positive minds and thoughts. About dreams and passion. About hope. About not giving in to fear.
We fear that we're not able to achieve what we have always dreamt about. We fear that people might criticize us. We fear that people might not like us. We fear that we're not good enough. We fear that we might not be accepted. We fear of losing. We fear that our lovers might cheat on us. We fear that we're not up to par. We fear that things that we thought will never happen, happens. We fear this, we fear that. Have we ever thought of something more productive when we fear? It's really difficult to put away our constant nature of having fear of this and that.
Me and Naddie thought, why don't we fear of the afterlife instead? Why bother thinking too much about life?
I know some of you might disagree or somewhat. Now, I'm coming to the religious part (sorry to non Muslims, you guys may stop reading if you want. ;p). Have we forgotten that reality is not life itself but afterlife? Don't get it? Ask me personally. I'll explain. Personally, I think that's the one thing that we should fear of. I've done lots of mistakes, commit lots of sins, I fear.
Think about it. People say, "Hey..Live live to the fullest. Live like each day is the last day of your life". Then people will start to think that they should enjoy life and party and do this and that. I'm not saying that we shouldn't enjoy life at all, don't get me wrong. But what if you keep partying and you won't meet tomorrow? Are you ready for the afterlife? I'm not. And I fear. We should all do something about it. At least consider. All I'm saying is we should live life with a balance. Think of life, think of the afterlife too.
If you have something to fear of in life, like your partner cheating on you as an example, think of the afterlife. Think of the things you can do to make yourself better prepared for the afterlife. That is way better of treating yourself than worrying about the little things in life. What goes around comes around. If someone treats you bad, they'll get the same. So, why bother having revenge? Similarly, if you're good, you'll get something just as good in return. Look, you have better things to do, really.
Sorry for this long post. If you bother reading up till here, thank you. I appreciate it. This post is just to share my thoughts and views of things. It's also to remind myself. So, if you think it's worth following, do it. If not, once again thank you for reading. :) I'm just sharing my thoughts based on my experiences and gains. Random. No offence to anyone. Peace out! ;)
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