Yesterday! Went out with 2 of my favourite girlfriends! ...and Afian. LOL. We celebrated Farah's birthday in advance. Her birthday is actually today! Yes, on national day. Which is why she was wearing red & white. Heehee! Sadly, the rest couldn't make it. But, we definitely had LOTS of FUN! :D

We ate at this restaurant! The Manhattan Fish Market! :)

Snapped a picture with each one of my lovely friends. ;p
Here's the foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!! It was so delicious! Seafood is my kinda thing! And, chicken is not seafood dear Farah. So, there isn't any on the menu. Kekeke. ;p

Me & Farah were totally engrossed with the food! And that's Aishah's boyfriend!

The four of us! ;)

AGAIN! This time with the food. ;p

Birthday girl. Surprise surprise! ;)

I had to cover that part with a cross. HAHA! ;p

Our very own "Gala Premiere". Hehe! Afian's idea! And everyone was staring at us! And we were at ION. There were so many people, obviously. Haha.
Since last time, back in 2007, whenever we took pictures on the escalator, Afian's head will always be "cut off"!
Hopefully, we'll get to meet up again soon despite our busy schedule! Taa! ;)
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