Monday 6 July 2009

Hey people! :) Just wanna update on my weekend! Haha. Yea it's late and I'm just not sleepy yet! So yeah.

Saturday, firstly, joined the band members @ Suntec City Convention hall! Watched SWSY performed for the World Cyber Games event! I love Naruto! Such a nice song. Hehe. But we were all tired okay! Cos we need to stand! Hrrmph! Hehe.

Here's Padi and Samuel in action.

And.... Brice. LMAO! ;p (Don't get angry k adik. Kakak kidding. HEHE.)

Then after that, Hasyim and his lil sister joined us for late lunch! And!! glad that Nabil, Firli, Hasyim and his sis got to join me for the gig! You know....the one I blogged about. Acoustic by the bay - The one at One Fullerton Starbucks! Hehe. I finally got to go for a gig! So happy. :) Saw dearest Aishah there with her bf and two other girlfriends. Nice. :)

So, the bands whom I know was there was Duxton Plains, Anna Judge April and of course Deputy Siren. Oh yah and For this cycle too. Some of The Sallys' members was there too. That Om Hasyim went to tell the basist that i'm a fan of The Sallys. Lol. Shouldn't have lah. No wonder he asked me this, "The Sallys nanti ader tau...Dorang tak perform..but they'll be there...nak kenal2 ngan dorang?" Well, The Sallys = his friends lor. That's why. Heh. Later2 can kenal2 lah hor. Not too soon. Lol!

So, we chit-chat about band stuff. I feel good about people giving me motivation. Keeps me wanting to make it happen. I will, Insya'Allah. Just see how it goes. And guess what! I bought Deputy Siren's E.P. ! HAHAHA.

I so love "I miss the 4th of september". Go buy their E.P people! It's only 7 bucks yaw. Oh yah, some other pics.
Firli = my Lil' Big botak bro. Hahaha. And Joanna said I looked like a star. Thanks, kembang.

This is Nazihah. Hasyim's lil sis! Lucky she was around. Or, i'll be the only female there during the gig period. Heeh.

Today(sunday), was forced to go to a wedding reception when I could actually go to Haji Lane's flea market with Sally and Syera! Period. Hahaha.

Okay i'm done! :)

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