Friday 10 July 2009


I just want to share some things here today. Just now (09/07/09,Thursday), there was photography!!! Like finally I was able to "touch" the DSLR Canon Eus Camera! Woohoo! And I snapped lotsa pics and I was soooooooooo excited back in class, right Sally? Hehehe. :D Come come! Let me share those pics I took!!!

Yah, not so nice, I know. Hehe. Still learning right! I wonder how some people use it to snap beautiful pictures. It's not easy okay! Hehe. And here are some of my friends' nicely taken pics.

Guess whose shoe is this?????? MINE! Nice right? Hehe. ;p

Okay this is not considered one. BUT! Nice right the bike? My friend's. Hehe. Greeeeeeen. :)

And! Here are some extra pics of me and my classmates having fun and OVERLY engrossed with DSLR. Lol.

Fuyo! Representing RP. Hahahahaha.

Hmm, seems tak menjadi. Kekeke. My face so sememek! ;p

Okay i'm done! Too many pics, too little words! ;p

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