Sunday 14 June 2009

He is... Strict.
He is... Firm.

But he is also...

Hardworking - Works day and night.
Patient - Does not get angry easily.
Understanding - Tolerant in recognizing somebody’s character and situation.
Loving - :)
Caring - Always showing concern.
Helpful - Thoughtful.
Respectful - Yes, respectful. :)
Forgiving - Willingness to always forgive a person and forget. (He used to work at SANA : [Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association] as a counsellor. Giving 2nd chances is not something alien to him.) :)

He is... My Ayah. (Dad)

My dad has taught me alot of things that I should do to make myself a better person. Not that he never had (that I never mentioned before). But as you people know about my recent happenings, he talked to me one on one about this and that. It made me cry because it lowered down my pride and I turned into a little baby. :( Hehe.

It's a little bit similar to Nona Kirana's saying which is not to blame others and the situation.

"We sometimes have got to realise that what happens, happens for a reason. It may be hurtful, but we have got to look at it on the brighter side. From here you will learn alot.

From the experiences that you faced, it will turn you into a much stronger person. Not only that, it will mature you because after learning from past mistakes, you will therefore try not to repeat them."

I know the answer. The thing is it's not easy to figure it out. The answer is second chances. Not about hoping for others to give me that. It's about giving myself a second chance. Proving to myself that I can change for the better. Well, I'm not that bad of a person, am I? I'm sure not. Sometimes, little things or rather little silly mistakes that I do can make someone really mad. I don't know why. Maybe because different people has got different level of tolerance.

I will start to try to change that one little thing about me in the future starting from NOW. I will try. I'm not saying that I definitely will automatically change. But, Insya'Allah, I will. (To God's will). Who ever he might be, i'm not changing for him. But for myself. For my happiness. When happiness comes to me, then it will become OUR happiness. But then again, he will have to appreciate and love me for who I am.

Lastly, Nona Kirana's words again...

"In my world, I am QUEEN.
In my world, visions comes true.
In my world, dreams become a reality.
I just need a deserving king.
To love me.
To hold my hand.
To have faith in ME."

Hmm quite demanding. HAHA. As for me, i'll add in "Insya'Allah".

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