Wednesday 29 April 2009

Having prior knowledge does not make you any better than us.
You being more knowledgable does not mean that we are less intelligent.
It does not mean you can order people around.
It does not mean that you are always right.
It does not mean that we can never be better than you.
It does not mean that you can be boastful.
And you don't have any rights to pull others down.

For goodness sake, i was a science student! I can just shoot you with any questions regarding science and i'm pretty sure you won't be able to answer it! So what's the difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote?

It's been a while since i got so mad in class. I couldn't take it but to break down. But yea i do realise that people do love taking advantage of others who are nice. If you want an A, what made you think that i wouldn't want it too? And if you knew what i wanted, which is obvious cos everyone would love to have it, then you'll be one selfish maniac.

Go ahead and continue doing whatever it is you're doing. I'll prove you wrong. I'll prove to you that i'm able to. I'm able to. I'm able to DO WELL. UT's are more important, i'll make use of it. But then again, being Miss Nice, i would love to do a "slow talk" first. I'll see whether it'll make a difference. But that doesn't change my aim of doing well in UT's though.

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