Thursday 22 January 2009

No school for today!

It's not the holidays yet. I'm just using up my very last "off day". Hehe. Had enterprise module yesterday and there were only 2 groups (approximately till the end of the day). I want to share something which i'm quite unhappy about. Me and my team mates were discussing on the worksheet about something i don't need to elaborate. Then there was this question on pork. Nat mentioned that her sister's friend ate pork when she was overseas as it's difficult to find halal food there.

Then that's when the facilitator comes in. She asked, "Why is it that you guys can't eat pork anyway?" Nat answered, "I don't know." Nat! You shouldn't answer that way you know! Hmmmph. Then i add on to say that it's dirty and all. Azilah helped to explain to the faci too.

Next. The most shocking thing is... the faci said something like this. Let me quote, "Well, that was in the past right when pigs were dirty and all? Right now, in a modernised world where there's advance in technology, they are much cleaner. Maybe that explains why some muslims these days are starting to eat pork."

I was pissed off right at that very moment. What is she trying to say anyway? I kept quiet cos i wanted the grades. But that doesn't mean that she can just say something like that right? Something that involves the topic on religion has always been a sensitive issue. We have been taught in OUR religion that it's forbidden to eat pork. Have some R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Who cares about what you think. Having respect is crucial. Or we might just end up in conflicts - which is already happening in the world (wars, etc.).

Anyway, besides the anger, i had fun too at the end of the day. Heheh ;p Me and Nad had fun camwhoring in my class. She loves using my webcam. :D

Camwhoring with Annie Mollie Part 2:

Hehe have fun laughing at it! I even laugh at my own pics! ;p

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