Tuesday 2 December 2008

I know it's kinda late to update on last saturday's concert. Haha. So here it goes... :)

After months and months of practices, fun and laughter, sadness and tears, ups and downs, finally it has ended. Ended with smiles on the members' faces. The concert was a blast!

Here's the set up before the concert starts. Nice and neat.

Woohoo! Spot me!

Cam-whore after concert!!!

Pioneer batch alumni members!

The family. :D

Serene! She gave me and Noreen Sunflowers! Thankie-you!

That's all i'm uploading here. :]

After so long being in the music scene, after 8 long years, i'm finally stepping down. Argh. Has it come to an end? My deepest passion. I don't think i can let go of it that easily. We'll still meet up for the members! But what about playing music???? Argh.
Okay i won't put it to an end. Just resting for awhile i guess. I hope there's alumni band so that i'll be able to join! Lol.

Take care people! Love ya'll! ;p

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