Tuesday 18 November 2008

Today's Cognitive test was not so bad afterall i guess. Surprisingly, Occam's razor was tested. I was like oh-my-god! I couldn't really recall what it was all about. Lol. But i'm glad it went o-kay~ Some of the questions were give-away questions, so those might help a bit.

And today's problem statement:

"You should say what you mean," the March Hare told Alice.
"I do," Alice replied, "at least I mean what I say - that's the same thing, you know."
"Not the same thing a bit!" said the Hatter.

Examine what this conversation tells us
about how people use words.

It's rather too broad. It's rather too generalised. Haha. But we're halfway through now. And something is happening in class while i'm typing this. Haiyo~ The same thing that used to happen in W35K. But we managed to solve. Not sure about this class. Hope things will get better. I don't want to get involve.

Anyway, there was module briefing yesterday and i wasn't able to attend. Yes, i wasn't feeling that well. But i watched Madagascar 2 at home with my brother. Lol. It wasn't clear like the ones in movie theatres of course. There was one part when Alex was searching for that zebra-whom-i-can't-recall-it's-name. Suddenly they were conversing in spanish. We were like huh?? Online movies are like that i guess. Lol. But you people should catch it cause it's really funny and touching! ;p

Oh yah, ITE Concert Band is having a yearly concert really soon. It's called Musica Fantasia 3. It'll be on the 29th Nov, 5pm at College East(Simei) auditorium. Those of you who have yet to buy tickets, go get them at only 5 bucks! Watch me and my bandmates perform songs like:

Overture Jubiloso
Loch Lomond
Pilatus: Mountain of Dragon
La Fiesta Brava

Tickets going to be sold out soon. I'm only left with one more to sell. Lol.

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