Monday 29 September 2008

Internet : Absolute communication = Absolute isolation

What's it mean? Well, with internet, you'll have absolute communication with the people online and when you start getting addicted to it, you might just stay in front of your computer/lappy blankly, expressionless, for hours, without you even realising it! And when you do that, you might think that you are popular. That you have too many friends online who would like to chat with you. But in actual fact, you are at absolute isolation. You are by yourself. You are staring blankly at your screen by YOURSELF. Alone. So, take some time off and go out with your friends or something. Hang out with them. Get socialise and make more friends outside! In other words, get a life.

HAHAHA. No offence people. This was what i learnt in class today. Right Republicans? Heehee. ;p

Raya is in 2 days! Woah..that fast uh? Oh yah, i realise that more and more people are being 'proud' of themselves when they're not fasting. Not the ones with excuse of course. No shame huh? Then when it comes to Raya celebration, they would wanna celebrate and all. Haish.

Anyway! Apologies people, if i've hurt any of you in any ways. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! :)

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