Tuesday 23 September 2008

I got FREE BAGS this time!

Wah auntie...why so nice to me??? Hahaha! Rezeki, alhamdulilah. See i don't need to buy handbags for Hari Raya already. The one in black is Guess, in white is Giordano Accessories, there's nike, and others i'm not sure lah but they're nice too! ;p

Anyway, had a workshop to prepare ourselves for a dialogue session with the minister of education after school. Today's super tiring! There are gonna be 3 more workshops..!! Then the actual day will be on the 9th of October. We still need to do some homework....argh! Nvm that one. -_-

Snapped a few pics with the malay ladies of W34H. The rest are all 18 years old. Oh i can be 18 as well lah like that... ;p

Faz!, A.Z.ilah, Nat & Izan

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